Products and Technologies

Here you can find an overview about our products and technologies.

Products and customized solutions are available in various ways. Depending on the application and the system requirements, the components can be provided e.g. as executable with CLI, as web service, containerized, etc. for Windows and Linux systems.

Please contact us to discuss your specific questions and challenges.

Content and Provenance Tracking

Audio Segment Matching 
Detection of identical audio segments among a set of audio items or in  streams

Audio Phylogeny Analysis 
Detection of the content processing history among a set of audio items

Query-based Matching 
Detection of a given audio query within a stream or file

Video Segment Matching 
Detection and localization of identical video segments within datasets or streams for content and rights tracking, data management and program analysis

Content Verification

Audio Forensics Toolbox
Detection of recording, editing and coding traces within audio material to identify manipulations of audio-visual material

Audio Tools

Detection of spoken language, e.g. English, German, French, Spanish

Audio Event Detection
Detection of defined events and sounds, e.g. applause, cheering, laughing, explosion, gun shot, etc.

Audio Scene Classification
Classification of sound scenes, e.g. busy street, restaurant, supermarket, train station, office, quiet park, etc.

Speaker Recognition
Recognition of different speakers and speaker diarization

Video Tools

Object Detection
Detection of defined objects, e.g. car, building, person, knife, weapon, etc.

Animal Detection
Detection and distinction of animals/spezies, e.g. lion, ape, giraffe, gazelle, cow, etc. 

Visual Scene Classification
Classification of visual scenes, e.g. indoor/outdoor, beach, forest, city, etc.

Video Motion Analysis
Detection of camera motion types, such as pan, tilt, zoom, and unsteady camera movements 

Video Shot Detection
Detection of shots and scene changes, and representative key-frames

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Products and Technologies

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