Description and project goals of amoZFerg
Quality assurance of workpieces and components
Incorrect machine settings on machining systems lead to poor product quality, increasing claims and frequent unplanned downtime due to machine stops. This is combined with a low level of automation and a shortage of skilled personnel, resulting in rising production costs. The quality assurance of workpieces is currently carried out in a number of sequential steps that require a large amount of different measuring devices. Selecting the most efficient inspection method is a major challenge for users, especially as production becomes increasingly automated. Reliable, intelligent systems that assess the quality of workpieces and components during the process are the focus of research in the amoZFerg project. As a pioneer in the field of acoustic measurement technology and machine learning from audio data, Fraunhofer IDMT contributes its experience in the field of intelligent acoustic monitoring to the quality assurance task.
The innovation in acoustic quality testing in machining
Acoustic monitoring with microphones, which has already shown considerable potential in welding (see the "AKoS" project), is now being explored in the field of machining - particularly for quality assurance of workpieces and components. Microphones are used to record sound emissions, which are then classified according to different predefined defect patterns using machine learning methods. The challenge of acoustic analysis lies in the disturbing noise that is always present in production halls due to the confusing soundscape.