Fraunhofer IDMT shows system for making virtual products audible

News /, the "Business Festival" of the Bitkom digital association will take place in Berlin from 10 to 11 April. More than 5,000 leading international heads of digitization from the fields of IT, telecommunications and new media will meet in Berlin to shape the future and create trends. In addition to the varied programme with keynotes, lectures and workshops, there will also be various exhibition and tech-touch areas. The Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT presents its project results on the acoustically advanced virtualization of products and production processes (AVP3) at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft booth in the "Interactive Area".

© Fraunhofer IDMT
Bringing virtual poducts and machines to life acoustically is the goal of Fraunhofer IDMT´s research.

The tool presented at is the result of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) funded research project AVP3. In future, the tool is to be used in the field of virtual engineering to develop products more efficiently. The aim is to use Virtual and Augmented Reality to realistically evaluate the sound properties of products. Within the project, Fraunhofer IDMT has been responsible for the digital product model auralization.

New: Integration of realistic object acoustics in VR environments

At present, VR technology is mainly used in product development for the stereoscopic, interactive visualization of digital models, methods and simulation results. The inclusion of the realistic acoustics of objects, that changes according to hearing perspective and position, has not yet been considered in VR environments. "This means that sounds from product models have not been perceived up to now. That will change," explains the head of Acoustics business unit, Dr. Sandra Brix.

A particular challenge for the researchers is the establishment of a format for the description and exchange of acoustic product data. "This standard does not exist yet," Brix continues. In a further step, the auralization tool will be developed in such a way that it can be seamlessly integrated into VR systems, such as for virtual product development.

Visit the Fraunhofer joint booth at the ("Interactive Area") and try out our system for acoustical virtualization.

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