Amsterdam, The Netherlands  /  September 13, 2024  -  September 16, 2024

IBC 2024 in Amsterdam

Audiovisual Identity Suite – Instant Insights in Media Performance

How can media presence be measured? Which politician was visible how often on which channels - and with which statements? How equally do all genders appear on a particular program?  

Our Audiovisual Identity Suite helps to uncover media presence of politicians, celebrities and other individuals or groups on TV, in streams and video archives. Designed for broadcasters, media companies, and public authorities, our combined face and speaker analysis facilitates smarter program decisions by quantifying and visualizing data across thousands of hours of content. Enhance your content strategy with precise person tracking, speech intelligibility evaluations and gender-based analyses, all presented through intuitive heat maps and detailed reporting. Optimize your media impact with our cutting-edge analytical tool. 

Content Verification Toolbox – Advanced Audio Analysis and Authentication Tools

Discover a broad range of cutting-edge, explainable audio analysis tools designed to support journalists and media platforms in content verification and authentication:

  • Microphone and Coding Analysis: Identify device and coding traces.
  • Audio Manipulation and Synthesis Detection: Reveal cutting and fabrication.
  • Audio Provenance Analysis: Track reuse and transformations within a dataset.
  • Content Authentication Tools: Sign and authenticate your content proactively