Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Grollmisch

After finishing his engineering diploma in Media Technology at Technische Universität Ilmenau in 2009, Sascha Grollmisch commenced his professional career as a software developer at Fraunhofer IDMT. Motivated by his passion for music, he then co-founded the spin-off company Sonqquito. Songquito is responsible for the distribution of the music education software Songs2See, which was developed in a long-term research project at Fraunhofer IDMT. For their efforts in developing one of the first fully interactive music learning applications, the Songquito team was honored with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award of the German Informatics Society. In the following years, Sascha's interest and expertise in automatic music and audio analysis grew stronger with several industry projects, changing his role from software developer to deep learning researcher. As part of the ACMus research project, Sascha started his PhD at Technische Universität Ilmenau, focusing on transfer and semi-supervised learning for few-shot audio classification tasks ranging from industrial sounds to music recordings.

  • Deep learning with a focus on audio data
  • Semi-supervised, few-shot, and transfer learning
  • Anomaly detection for audio
  • Audio signal processing

Publication Type
2024 Acoustic insights into the corn extrusion process for enhanced quality control
Gourishetti, Saichand; Chauhan, Jaydeep; Krüger, Tanja; Grollmisch, Sascha; Liebetrau, Judith; Bös, Joachim
Conference Paper
2024 Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte in der akustischen Ereignisdetektion
Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha; Bös, Joachim
Conference Paper
2024 Selbstüberwachtes Vortraining zur Verbesserung automatischer Audioklassifikationsalgorithmen
Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Bös, Joachim
Conference Paper
2023 Examining Speaker and Keyword Uniqueness: Partitioning Keyword Spotting Datasets for Federated Learning with the Largest Differencing Method
Wallbott, Paul; Grollmisch, Sascha; Köllmer, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Automated Quality Inspection in Additive Manufacturing for Lightweight Construction: A New Approach Based on Virtual Sonic Data and Machine Learning (ML-S-LeAF)
Yildiz, Ömer Faruk; Fritz, Alexander; Storch, Julian; Kátai, András; Ribecky, Sebastian; Hofmann, Peter; Talagini Ashoka, Anitha Bhat; Fassbender, Rene; Marckmann, Hannes; Grollmisch, Sascha; Jansen, Stefan; Adams, Christian; Kroh, Irina; Zaleski, Olgierd; Manohar, Aswin; Keuchel, Sören; Schröder, Thorben; Ren, Yaxiong; Boni, Christiano de; Balestra, Italo; Bös, Joachim; Ferretti, Raphael; Schötz, Johannes; Merschroth, Holger; Gross, Peter; Weigold, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Quantifying Uncertainty in Music Genre Classification
Lukashevich, Hanna; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob
Conference Paper
2023 How Robust are Audio Embeddings for Polyphonic Sound Event Tagging?
Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha; Müller, Meinard
Journal Article
2023 Uncertainty in Semi-Supervised Audio Classification - A Novel Extension for FixMatch
Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía; Lukashevich, Hanna; Abeßer, Jakob
Conference Paper
2023 Arc Welding Process Monitoring Using Neural Networks and Audio Signal Analysis
Gourishetti, Saichand; Chauhan, Jaydeep; Grollmisch, Sascha; Rohe, Maximilian; Sennewald, Martin; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Conference Paper
2023 Human and Machine Performance in Counting Sound Classes in Single-Channel Soundscapes
Abeßer, Jakob; Ullah, Asad; Ziegler, Sebastian; Grollmisch, Sascha
Journal Article
2023 How reliable are posterior class probabilities in automatic music classification?
Lukashevich, Hanna; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Stober, Sebastian; Bös, Joachim
Conference Paper
2022 Intelligentes akustisches Monitoring durch ausgewählte Mikrofonierungskonzepte
Fritsch, Tobias; Bös, Joachim; Grollmisch, Sascha; Gourishetti, Saichand; Hofmann, Peter; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2022 Potentials and Challenges of AI-based Audio Analysis in Industrial Sound Analysis
Gourishetti, Saichand; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2021 DESED-FL and URBAN-FL: Federated Learning Datasets for Sound Event Detection
Johnson, David S.; Lorenz, Wolfgang; Taenzer, Michael; Mimilakis, Stylianos Ioannis; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Lukashevich, Hanna
Conference Paper
2021 Improving Semi-Supervised Learning for Audio Classification with FixMatch
Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía
Journal Article
2021 Ensemble Size Classification in Colombian Andean String Music Recordings
Grollmisch, S.; Cano, E.; Mora Ángel, F.; López Gil, G.
Conference Paper
2021 DESED-FL and URBAN-FL: Federated Learning Datasets for Sound Event Detection
Johnson, David S.; Lorenz, Wolfgang; Taenzer, Michael; Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Lukashevich, Hanna; Mimilakis, Stylianos
2021 Investigating the influence of microphone mismatch for acoustic traffic monitoring
Gourishetti, Saichand; Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha; Kátai, András; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2020 Visualizing Neural Network Decisions for Industrial Sound Analysis
Grollmisch, Sascha; Johnson, David; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2020 IAEO3 - Combining OpenL3 Embeddings and Interpolation Autoencoder for Anomalous Sound Detection
Grollmisch, Sascha; Johnson, David; Abeßer, Jakob; Lukashevich, Hanna
2020 Techniques improving the robustness of deep learning models for industrial sound analysis
Grollmisch, S.; Johnson, D.S.
Conference Paper
2020 Analyzing the potential of pre-trained embeddings for audio classification tasks
Grollmisch, Sascha; Kehling, Christian; Taenzer, Michael; Cano, E.
Conference Paper
2020 Compressed air leakage detection using acoustic emissions with neural networks
Johnson, D.; Kirner, J.; Grollmisch, Sascha; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2020 Plastic Material Classification using Neural Network based Audio Signal Analysis
Grollmisch, Sascha; Johnson, David; Krüger, Tobias; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2019 Ensemble size classification in Colombian Andean string music recordings
Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía; Mora-Ãngel, Fernando; López Gil, Gustavo A.
Conference Paper
2019 ACMUS-MIR: A new annotated data set of Andean Colombian music
Mora-Ángel, Fernando; López Gil, Gustavo A.; Cano, Estefanía; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2019 Automatic Chord Recognition in Music Education Applications
Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía
Conference Paper
2019 Towards CNN-based Acoustic Modeling of Seventh Chords for Automatic Chord Recognition
Nadar, Christon-Ragavan; Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2019 Sounding Industry: Challenges and Datasets for Industrial Sound Analysis
Grollmisch, Sascha; Abeßer, Jakob; Liebetrau, Judith; Lukashevich, Hanna
Conference Paper
2018 Telecommunication terminal with voice conversion
Cano Cerón, Estefanía; Grollmisch, Sascha; Lukashevich, Hanna
2018 Music Technology and Education
Cano, E.; Dittmar, C.; Abeßer, J.; Kehling, C.; Grollmisch, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Luftschallbasierte Rissdetektion von Metallteilen
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Nowak, Johannes
Conference Paper
2018 Akustische Qualitätskontrolle mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Clauß, Tobias
Journal Article
2018 Mit maschinellem Lernen zur intelligenten Produktion
Grollmisch, Sascha
2018 Störschallunterdrückung bei Luftschallanalysen in industriellen Fertigungsstrecken
Nowak, Johannes; Grollmisch, Sascha; Cano, Estefanía; Lukashevich, Hanna; Liebetrau, Judith
Conference Paper
2017 Karaoke-System und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Karaoke-Systems
Cano Cerón, Estefanía; Grollmisch, Sascha; Holly, Steffen
2017 Soundslike - automatic content-based music annotation and recommendation for large databases
Grollmisch, Sascha; Lukashevich, Hanna
Conference Paper
2017 Exploring sound source separation for acoustic condition monitoring in industrial scenarios
Cano, Estefanía; Nowak, Johannes; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2017 Hörbare Fehler. Überwachung von Maschinen und Produkten anhand akustischer Signale
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Nowak, Johannes
Journal Article
2017 Zisch oder Tzisch? Akustische Qualitätskontrolle in der Getränkeherstellung
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha; Clauß, Tobias
Journal Article
2017 Predictive maintenance. Acoustic condition monitoring via airborne sound analysis
Liebetrau, Judith; Grollmisch, Sascha
Journal Article
2016 Automatic best take detection for electric guitar and vocal studio recordings
Bönsel, Carsten; Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha; Mimilakis, Stylianos-Ioannis
Conference Paper
2014 Automatic competency assessment of rhythm performances of ninth-grade and tenth-grade pupils
Abeßer, J.; Dittmar, C.; Grollmisch, S.; Hasselhorn, J.; Lehmann, A.
Conference Paper
2013 Automatic quality assessment of vocal and instrumental performances of ninth-grade and tenth-grade pupils
Abeßer, Jakob; Hasselhorn, Johannes; Dittmar, Christian; Lehmann, Andreas; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2012 Automatic singing assessment of pupil performances
Dittmar, Christian; Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha; Hasselhorn, Johannes; Lehmann, Andreas
Conference Paper
2012 Songs2See. Towards a new generation of music performance games
Cano, E.; Grollmisch, Sascha; Dittmar, Christian
Conference Paper
2012 Music information retrieval meets music education
Dittmar, Christian; Cano, Estefanía; Abeßer, Jakob; Grollmisch, Sascha
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Songs2See: Learn to play by playing
Dittmar, C.; Cano, E.; Grollmisch, S.
Conference Paper
2011 Server based pitch detection for web applications
Dittmar, C.; Grollmisch, S.; Cano, E.; Dressler, K.
Conference Paper
2011 Songs2See - Learn to play by playing
Cano, Estefanía; Dittmar, Christian; Grollmisch, Sascha
Conference Paper
2011 Songs2See and GlobalMusic2One: Two applied research projects in music information retrieval at Fraunhofer IDMT
Dittmar, Christian; Großmann, Holger; Cano, Estefania; Grollmisch, Sascha; Lukashevich, Hanna; Abeßer, Jakob
Conference Paper
2010 Acoustics and Signal Processing in the Development of Music Education Software
Cano, E.; Dittmar, C.; Grollmisch, S.
Conference Paper
2009 Concept, implementation and evaluation of an improvisation based music video game
Dittmar, C.; Grollmisch, S.; Gatzsche, G.
Conference Paper
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Acoustic Monitoring at Fraunhofer IDMT