With the automated Melody Extraction of the Fraunhofer IDMT, you will receive innovative software that quickly and reliably detects the melody even under difficult acoustic conditions – no matter if it is a sung melody or a recorded audio track. This tool is as such ideal for karaoke games that necessitate the compilation of the music according to the respective notes.
Current Hits
The software requires only a one time processing of about 15 minutes for the compilation of songs for your games use. The recognition of the melody sung by the player during the game is conducted in real time with a minimal latency of only 6 ms.
Comprehensive Database
The minimal processing time per title and the automated detection makes it possible for you to compile an extensive database for melody tunes within an extremely short time.
Reliable Detection
The Fraunhofer technology is very robust against noise interference and the detection of the melodic pitch works even under difficult acoustic conditions. For the third time, the technology has been awarded the first prize by the MIREX international competition, in the category “Audio Melody Extraction”.
Cost and Resource Savings
Benefit from the Fraunhofer as an innovation leader, and save on cost and resource intensive in-house developments. The Fraunhofer Melody Extraction is shipped as a ready-to-use, out-of-the-box solution and also has very minimal impact on the processor load during operation.