The measurement of underwater sound according to standardised methods is challenging, both in terms of recording and - to a particular extent - of the processing of measured data. In cooperation with the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Fraunhofer IDMT in Oldenburg has developed BSoundH, a specialist application which enables a standardised and quality-assured processing of raw underwater sound data. The development of BSoundH was based on internationally applicable standards.
The new specialist application can semi-automatically process recordings of percussive pile driving (raw acoustic data). Frequency-resolved noise levels, broadband levels but also further metrics can be determined. Sound pressure levels can be displayed over time and ranges can be selected and displayed for narrowband analysis. The results of the analysis, data and graphs are available in standardised formats for further use.
The application BSoundH enables BSH to process and analyzeacoustic measurements from the monitoring of offshore construction sites as well as from national noise monitoring. The results are used directly for the assessment of underwater noise impacts, as needed forenvironmental assessments and reporting obligations due to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).