
Children's speech screening for hearing disorders

When infants are born with hearing impairments, early detection and care is essential. It also plays an important role in the later acquisition of hearing and spoken language. Current methods of speech diagnostics are not sufficiently oriented towards this target group and are very time-consuming, as they require phonetic transcriptions and phoneme-specific error analysis. For this reason, researchers at the Fraunhofer IDMT in Oldenburg are working on a time-saving evaluation aid in the project “Children's speech screening for hearing disorders” (KiSSHoer). The aim is to develop an automated pronunciation assessment for children between the ages of three and five.

The use of speech processing technologies should make it possible to carry out the screening automatically and thus reduce the time required by experts in the diagnostic process. In addition to the derivation of individual therapy goals, progress and changes in the level of development should be objectively and efficiently presented. This applies to both speech therapy and technical care, for example through adjustments to hearing aids or cochlear implants.

In terms of technology, KiSSHoer is based on analysis functions and technologies from the “Oldenburg Speech and Voice Test” (OSST) and “Speech and Voice Analysis Technologies as a Service” (SVAT) projects.

Further Information


Automatic speech analysis

Based on machine learning, speech and voice pathologies should be automatically evaluated and analysed in our SVAT project.


Automatic Screening

With the »Oldenburg Speech and Voice Test«, we want to set a new standard for the automated detection of speech and voice disorders.


News / 3.1.2024

Speech technologies that help us!

Laura Tuschen, head of Assistive Speech and Language Analysis group, gives an insight into the work of the research group.



The THERESIAH project aims to develop a new therapy system to train hearing and articulation of highly hearing-impaired persons.


Connected Health

The work area Connected Health dedicates its research and development activities to sensor-based health systems that can be deployed flexibly and without clinical infrastructure.

The Oldenburg Branch for Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology HSA is funded in the program »Vorab« by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) and the Volkswagen Foundation for its further development.

Assistive Speech and Language Analysis

The development and utilisation of digital speech processing technologies can make an important contribution to individual capacity for verbal communication.