Have you ever been hoarse at the end of the day?
In Germany alone, several million people depend on their voices for their jobs. What is often neglected, however, is the health of the voice. With VoiceTracker, we want to bring an early warning system for the voice to market.
With our expertise in audio technology, we have developed a system that allows us to recognize and track voice quality flexibly and securely in everyday life.
This enables early detection of changes. Combined with preventive measures, our VoiceTracker enables more safety and resilience when using your own voice.
Sign up now and help us make VoiceTracker available in the near future!
Your benefits:
- Early detection of vocal stress and change
- Flexible tracking of the voice in (professional) everyday life
- Increasing safety and resilience when using your own voice
- Preventive measures combined with voice analysis
- No transcription of the spoken word and no evaluation of the teaching/teaching quality