Die 22. ISMIR (International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference) findet vom 8. bis 12. November 2021 als Online-Konferenz statt. Das Fraunhofer IDMT präsentiert auf der ISMIR 2021 neuste Forschungsergebnisse der Gruppe Semantic Music Technologies und freut sich über Ihren Besuch im ISMIR Lab Showcase.
Live Slots at ISMIR Lab Show Case
- 9. November 2021, 16:30-17:30 Uhr
- 12. November 2021, 12:00-13:00 Uhr
A Novel Dataset for Time-Dependent Harmonic Similarity between Chord Sequences
Bittner, Franca; Abeßer, Jakob; Nadar, Christon-Ragavan; Lukashevich, Hanna; Kramer, Patrick
State-of-the-art algorithms in many music information retrieval (MIR) tasks such as chord recognition, multipitch estimation, or instrument recognition rely on deep learning algorithms, which require large amounts of data to be trained and evaluated. In this paper, we present the IDMT-SMT-CHORD-SEQUENCES dataset, which is a novel synthetic dataset of 45,000 chord progressions played on 45 different musical instruments. The dataset is organized in a triplet fashion and each triplet includes one “anchor” chord sequence as well as one corresponding similar and dissimilar chord progression. The audio files are synthesized from MIDI data using different sound fonts from FluidSynth. Furthermore, we conducted a benchmark experiment on time-dependent harmonic similarity based on learnt embedding representations. The results show that a convolutional neural network (CNN), which considers the temporal context of a chord progression outperforms a simpler approach based on temporal averaging of input features.
Late Breaking Demos (B), "Main Hall", 11. November 2021, 8:00-10:00 Uhr