Genf, Schweiz  /  11. März 2025  -  13. März 2025

Data Technology Seminar 2025

Das Data Technology Seminar DTS 2025 der European Broadcasting Union (EBU) findet vom 11.–13. März 2025 in Genf statt und bietet Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Broadcasting eine Plattform zum Austausch zu den Themen KI, Daten und Medientechnologie. 

Das Fraunhofer IDMT wird einen Vortrag zum Thema KI-Lösungen für die Medienanalyse halten und Hanna Lukashevich, Leiterin der Gruppe Semantic Music Technologies, unterstützt darüber hinaus das Programm-Komitee des DTS 2025.

Cross-modal content analysis: finding, identifying and analyzing people in media

Dr. Uwe Kühhirt (Fraunhofer IDMT)

The automatic analysis of audiovisual content is a central focus of numerous research projects, products, and services. The presented solution integrates video and audio analysis methods to automatically enrich large volumes of A/V content with metadata, specifically emphasizing individuals in the media. How often do politicians appear on various channels, and what statements do they make? How equally are all genders represented in specific programs? How can I locate all programs featuring a particular person in my archive? While large media archives contain vast amounts of data, powerful automated analysis tools are essential for efficient access and usability.

The technology presented offers in-depth insights into individuals' media presence by combining facial recognition and speaker recognition to capture and evaluate their appearances in video and audio independently. This reliable identification facilitates the generation of detailed reports on screen presence, speaking shares, and diversity metrics based on perceived gender. In addition to analyzing thousands of hours of television content, preparing and presenting extensive results introduces further challenges. An interactive dashboard is being developed to display these analysis results, enabling various visualizations and rapid data filtering. The presentation will cover fundamental challenges in cross-modal analysis of large A/V datasets, along with the system architecture, process chain, and selected components of Fraunhofer IDMT’s cross-modal content analysis solutions.

11. März 2025, 15:00 – 15:20 Uhr